Let go.


I was on Pinterest last night- I knowww, but it’s a guilty pleasure and I love it – and I found this really awesome quote that I wanted to share with y’all. Let go or you’ll be dragged. – Zen proverb This quote was accompanied with a goofy picture of a man hanging from…(Read More)

40 Days – The Beginning.


If you’re a regular at Blackbird, you may have heard that we’re running a program called 40 Days. It’s based off of Baron Baptiste’s book, 40 Days to Personal Revolution, and it’s a program a lot of Baptiste inspired and affiliated studios run around this time of year. What it…(Read More)

I recently read an article on the blog The Not so quiet Feminist called New year, same body-shaming crap. It’s a bit late to bring it up since we typically reserve all the New Year’s resolution hoopla for the first week or so of January, but the author makes a few great…(Read More)

Demystifying yoga.


I sometimes get the feeling that yoga is seen, by people who don’t do yoga, as some sort of weird hippy cult phenomenon.This is probably fair, because in a lot of ways, it is. When I was a rower in high school, a lot of my fellow crew members liked to say that…(Read More)

So I’ve been teaching yoga on and off now for about two and a half years, and I’ve recently come to several conclusions about teaching. The first and most important is that learning how to teach yoga is the best thing that I ever could have done for myself. Secondly, teaching yoga is…(Read More)

Dear Human


I get it.  You feel old, tired and out of shape.  The thought of stepping into a place with what you have already decided will be full of athletic, vibrant bodies freaks you out.  So you sit and wait for tomorrow. GET OFF THE GOD DAMN COUCH.  Yes, I am yelling at you.  The time…(Read More)



I just came back from Baron Baptiste level two, which means I have so much I want to share with you all that I don’t know where to begin. It’s funny, though, sometimes the things that hit you the hardest are those you expect the least. The phrase I’ve been thinking about…(Read More)

Balance and transitions.


Zainab taught a really great class last Tuesday. Apart from the fact that her anusara/ vinyasa flow was well coordinated and challenging, as usual, she said something that I really jibed with in the beginning of class. She spoke about how the students coming back to class and how the town was in a state…(Read More)



Every activity has its stereotypes and clichés attached, and yoga is no exception. All of us yogis have our friends who will never understand the appeal of yoga and make frequent jokes about spandex, flexibility, and hippies. “Next you’ll be dreading your hair and running off to India,” they’ll laugh, as you…(Read More)

Summer Love!


Ahhh, summer. Finally the temperamental Ithaca weather has shifted towards a gentler clime, allowing us to enjoy a few days here and there of bright sunshine, soul quenching heat, and those infamous warm summer nights. Summer is often reputed to be the season of bare skin, shedding those last few pounds of winter weight, and…(Read More)